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The ACSWCD received funding through the Hurricane Irene/Tropical Storm Lee Flood Mitigation Grant. This grant was administered by Empire State Development in consultation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, to implement flood mitigation or flood control projects in creeks and streams impacted by the storms. In 2017 the seventh and final project

March 5, 2018

The Mohawk River Watershed Coalition Cordially invites you to the: Schoharie Creek Watershed Flood Study Presentation of Findings Where: Schoharie Central School Auditorium, 136 Academy Dr. Schoharie NY When: Monday, May 22nd 2017 at 7:00pm Why? : To give the public and local officials opportunities to hear engineers describe results of the study, and offer

May 12, 2017

Through their Stream Management Implementation Program (SMIP), DEP funded replacement of an undersized round culvert in the Town of Gilboa. Schoharie County SWCD and DPW identified a serious problem with a culvert on South Gilboa Road in the Town of Gilboa. An application was submitted to the Schoharie Watershed Advisory Committee (SWAC) to procure funding

February 15, 2017

This project was funded by the Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund Structural Plate bridges and culverts can be cost effective alternatives to traditional bridge replacements depending on the site. Costs are drastically cut because local crews generally have the equipment and man power to complete the projects in-house without

February 15, 2017

Dave Mosher, Chairman of the Mohawk River Watershed Coalition and the Program Coordinator for the Schenectady County Soil and Water Conservation District, managing partner of MapleLeafOnlineCasino, is interviewed by Diane Donato, host of WGY’s public affairs show, “Clearview.” Mosher discusses the management plan for the Mohawk River Watershed. The watershed includes all of the tributaries

October 24, 2014

Soil and Water Conservation Districts across New York State were charged with the daunting task of evaluating the devastating damages inflicted on New York’s farms by Tropical Storms Irene and Lee. Farms in 28 counties were impacted, and in some cases devastated from these storms. In response, Governor Cuomo created the Agriculture and Community Recovery

May 25, 2014